So Victoria has finished her assignment and it’s time to hit the road again. This time however that’s a little more figurative than literall. We’ve decided to put the RV in storage for a few months as we travel through southeast asia via backpack. We are planning on traveling through Vietnam, Loas, Thailand, and Cambodia loosly following what is called the “Banana Pankake Route” for two and a half months.
Ever since we went on our honeymoon to Thailand we’ve wanted to return to southeast asia and visit Vietnam. It’s just such a beautiful, friendly, and cheap place to travel, not to mention the food is amazing, that it was irresitible. The flights are out there are a bit expensive but it’s so cheap once you get there that it’s worthwhile staying a while ;). For example you can eat out for every meal for a dollar or two a day, stay in a hotel on the beach for as cheap as $10, or ride a bus cross country for $20. Some people travel here on as little as $250 a month. I am expecting to spend about $1000 a month for the two of us but that might be a little higher because we like to do expensive things every now and then like scuba or take a flight rather than a long rough bus ride. We always get private rooms and get AC, private bath, and hot water anytime they’re avliable. A few nights in Grenada, Nicaragua without AC will convince you it’s worth a few extra bucks every night!
We are going to fly into Ho Chi Minh City and as far as any advance planning, all we have boooked is our hotel for the first night. This allows us the ultimate freedom to choose where we want to go and how long we want to stay there. Like a place, stay longer. Dislike a place, leave the next day. Feeling tired of traveling, take few days and chill on the beach. It also nice to be able to actually look at your hotel before you book it. Sometimes the pictures are very deseaving….. Part of this is traveling light, we are each traveling with a fairly small backpack with everything we need for three months in it.
We are both excited and nervous, but that is part of what I love about traveling. It’s the fear and excitment of a new country, new food, new people. There really just isn’t anything like it. You also meet very interesting people traveling out of the country, both locals and travelers. We’re littlerly flying aroung the world (11 hours time difference from the east coast, 21 hours of traveling time). I hope ya’ll will continue to follow along. Apparently mobile data (and wifi) is both widely avliable and cheap so we plan to post twice a week or so, a post per place. We leave Friday!
Have a wonderful time, make some great memories, and, most of all, stay safe!!